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25th Fair of Machinery, Equipment, Products, Swimming Pools and Gardening Accessories

5th Professional Fair of Equipment, Products and Services for the Urban, Ecological and Sustainable Environment

March 21st-23rd, 2024 - FIL - Lisbon

10 am - 7 pm


EXPOJARDIM is a professional event dedicated to all areas surrounding the gardening sector and its products, machines and equipment. Its exclusivity, both at the level of exhibitors and at the level of visitors, means that the interest and percentage of possible business is much higher than that of a public fair. All visitors to this event are potential buyers / investors.

URBANGARDEN & MOBILITY is a professional event dedicated exclusively to urban and environmental sustainability. Its exclusivity, both in terms of exhibitors and visitors, means that the interest and percentage of possible business, is much higher than a public fair. All visitors to this event are potential buyers/investors.


Advantages of Participating:

  • Promote and disseminate proposals and solutions to the market;
  • Strengthen commercial relations with customers;
  • A way for companies to stand out among various audiences (market, competition, press);
  • Analyze and evaluate the competition and the market;
  • Unique opportunity to carry out concerted marketing actions;
  • Organize and promote presentations, workshops, conferences and seminars;
  • A unique opportunity to contact a large number of professionals in a short time, thus reducing the cost per contact.



Commercial Manager and Event Coordination

+351 919 855 299
national landline call

Tiago Marques

Tiago Marques
Commercial and Communication Advisor

+351 968 701 674
national landline call

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