GRESILVA: "As far as the national market is concerned, EXPOALIMENTA is, without a doubt, a reference fair".
GRESILVA, which manufactures grills for the food industry, has continuously sought to be at the forefront of innovation, investing heavily in its equipment for the market. Manager Cristina Silva Rodrigues says that the company's objective with the participation in EXPOALIMENTA is to showcase the "grills in their most different models", in addition to gathering contacts from potential clients.
What are GRESILVA's expectations regarding EXPOALIMENTA?
After a forced break, we are back to the fairs, the best meeting point to get in touch with customers and potential customers, and as far as the national market is concerned, EXPOALIMENTA is, without any doubt, a reference fair.
EXPOALIMENTA is an event in which GRESILVA has participated since its creation, and the next edition will be no exception. The fact that the fair is being held at Exponor creates enormous expectations, as it is stepping out of its comfort zone for a region with great potential for the sector, and which has not had an event of this nature for a long time.
What products will be in the spotlight during the exhibition?
Besides the showcasing of the grills in their different models, GRESILVA will provide throughout the days several tasting opportunities in its showcooking.
What are the company's goals with its presence in the event?
We are often asked why we exhibit at national fairs where the brand is already more than recognized, and our answer is simple: it is the opportunity to meet with our customers, to welcome back the potential customer who finally decided to buy, to be known by potential customers who had never met us before, among others. Last but not least, as a Portuguese company we feel our presence is mandatory.