ExpoJardim & Urban Garden': Number of visitors surges on the second day
More than four thousand visits were counted. Initiatives promoted by Associations of the sector conquered great adhesion from the public.
On the second day 'Expojardim & Urban Garden' continues to conquer visitors. More than four thousand entries were counted, among professionals of the sector and accompanying people (access through invitation). The general public also had access to the event, through the purchase of tickets.
The seminar 'Urban Pest Management - Solutions and Current Issues', an initiative of the National Association for Urban Pest Control, opened the second day of the fair in the Pavilion 4 Auditorium at FIL.
The National Association of Green Covers (ANCV) was responsible for the second action of the day and was attended by strong names in the industry.
The conference 'Phytosanitary problems, pruning and felling of trees in the city - yes or no?', promoted by the National Association of Forest and Agricultural Contractors (ANEFA) gathered around 30 participants, proving to be a real success with the audience.
Thanks to the growing number of visitors, the exhibiting companies were able to gather more contacts from potential customers and present to them their new solutions in the garden and street furniture segment.
The 'Expojardim & Urban Garden' ends this Saturday, April 9, 2022, at 7 pm. A massive participation is expected from professionals in the sector and also from the public, who can access the interior of the Pavilion by purchasing a ticket, which costs six euros.
For more information click here.
Veja a galeria abaixo:
Dia 2 - Expojardim de Exposalão